Cloud And Data Protection – A Challenge to Users
Is your cloud compliant? Cloud experts Dr. Tobias Höllwarth, Dr. Jens Eckhardt, Christian Laux, and Dr. Clemens Thiele explore the key elements of the EuroCloud Cloud Privacy Check (CPC), a method to...
Eurocloud Swiss Autumn Event
Zürich, 11th Oct: Herbert Wanner (Head Business Development at Axpo Power AG) moderated eloquently a panel discussion of the Eurocloud Swiss autumn event in Zürich.
Speech at the IDC Forum Austria
Vienna, 5th Oct: I have to laugh again and again about this photo which was taken at IDC FORUM AUSTRIA where I spoke about four currently ongoing projects related to cloud certification (SECCAT,...
"New Applications of big Data Analytics on Cloud"
Taipei, 13th Sept: Moderating the panel discussion "New Applications of big Data Analytics on Cloud" at the "World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) 2017 in Taipei.
Gala dinner hosted by Prime Minister of Taiwan
Gala dinner with more than 1,000 guests of the 21st WCIT (World Conference on IT) hosted by the newly elected (last Friday) Prime Minister of Taiwan, Lai Ching-te.
Trans Austria Gasleitung goes Cloud
CIO Alessandro Santucci talks about his business, Cloud Strategy and Transformation and related challenges. Interview by Tobias Höllwarth (EuroCloud Austria)
The annual EuroCloud Austria Awards ceremony
In the photo: The award for the Ministry of the Environment. From left to right: Tobias Höllwarth (EuroCloud), Robert Kindermann (Environment Agency Austria), Charlotte Kislinger (Environment Agency...
EuroCloud event at PwC for the presentation of the new guideline
21 June, Vienna: EuroCloud event at PwC for the presentation of the new guideline “Cloud and Annual Accounts / Cloud und Jahresabschluss” compiled by Markus Ramoser (PwC Austria) and myself in many...
EuroCloud event at PwC for the presentation of the new “Trust in...
21 June, Vienna: EuroCloud event at PwC for the presentation of the new “Trust in Cloud” story featuring Alessandro Santucci (Trans Austria Gaspipeline).
Memorandum of Understanding between EuroCloud Europe and the Chinese...
Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between EuroCloud Europe and the Chinese Institute of Electronics on a cooperation in the field of cloud certification.
Meeting with Giovanni Samà
10 June, Rome: I have been cooperating with Giovanni Samà of BIP for several years now. Giovanni is a very experienced consultant, and a typical Italian. Extremely congenial and always dressed to...
Meeting with Christian Laux
7 June, Zurich: Meeting with Christian Laux, one of the most important partners in the CPC network.
Session of the Sourcing International partners
7 June, Zurich: Session of the Sourcing International partners. To my left is my founding partner Oliver Lindlbauer, to my right our Swiss partner Martin Andenmatten, who has extensive experience in...
A quick espresso with Alessandro Santucci, Head of IT at a gas...
19 May, Siena: A quick espresso with Alessandro Santucci, Head of IT at a gas pipeline.
40th Jubilee International Convention of MIPRO
14 May, Opatija: 40th Jubilee International Convention of MIPRO (Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics – MIPRO.
Lecture at an NFON internal company event
26 April, Vienna: Lecture at an NFON internal company event
Lecture on the topic “Digitale Transformation und Wissensmanagement”
25 April, Krems: Lecture on the topic “Digitale Transformation und Wissensmanagement” at the invitation of the Kremser Wissensmanagement Tage
Speech at IDC CIO Forum Bucharest
Romania, 10th April 2017: Speech at IDC CIO Forum Bucharest
Two days lecture at University of Applied Science in Eisenstadt
Eisenstadt, 8th April 2017: Two days lecture at University of Applied Science in Eisenstadt about StarAudit Cloud Quality Scheme. 20 Postgraduate students achieved the StarAudit Professional level,...
Meeting Romania's State Secretary Cristian Cucu
Meeting Romania's State Secretary Cristian Cucu during the IDC CIO conference at the beautiful Stejarii Country Club (owned by former Boris Becker manager Ion Tiriac) to discuss EuroCloud's Trusted...
Über Uns
Höllwarth Consulting wurde 1991 gegründet. Der typische Kunde von Höllwarth Consulting ist einer, der den zunehmenden Wettbewerbsanforderungen mit einer passenden Informationstechnologie begegnen muss und eine umfassende Betreuung vom Planungsstadium über die Ausschreibung und Umsetzungsbegleitung, bis zur Gesamtabnahme sucht.
Dr. Tobias Höllwarth ist seit über 20 Jahren als Unternehmensberater mit Spezialisierung auf IT-Projekte tätig. Neben seiner Tätigkeit an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien gründete er 1991 das Unternehmen Höllwarth Consulting. Der Schwerpunkt des Beratungsunternehmens liegt auf den Bereichen: IT-Consulting, IT-Services und Cloud-Consulting.

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